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Niki"True Colours"photography

"My ultimate & only goal is to bring forth & provide you with beautiful,crisp,clean images to last forever and to always bring that smile to your face."

I am a mother deeply passionate about photography.I am also passionate about my subjects, i set out to capture and record those moments that are so quickly leaving us, as time goes on.The beauty of photography means that a moment in time can be captured forever and is always there to see.I am also a lover of artistic creations in photography,generating my own ideas into my work.The world is our oyster and we have beauty all around us.In general I am a half full kinda girl.

Since starting Art/Design and photography i have managed to gain a qualification in Graphic Design with outstanding grades,currently studying Level 3 photography which will give me an Extended Diploma in photography,i complete this in June 2013 after 2 hard long years of studying.I then go into further study in 2013, again studying Art/Design/Photography and media which will lead to level 4 within this year if i work hard enough,i then finish off my last 2 years at university gaining a Degree.Who knows? maybe i'l then go onto study photo journalism...

Since my career in photography has been constantly growing i have had the pleasure of working within the photographic documentary genre.I fell in love all over again in photography.Social documentary has  since become a very deep passion,it fills me with awe,drive,energy,motivation but mostly compassion, striving to bring attention to the matters at hand.Sometimes it is not all pretty but by raising awareness..makes me feel not only have i acheived understanding but that i may have shown understanding to others.

© 2013 Niki"True Colours"Photography. Professional Photographer 

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